The objective of this campaign was to bring people to the landing page and have them sign up to receive the free ebook. This landing page was designed using UnBounce and is the point of conversion for the campaign.
When I initially set up the landing page, there were 3 fields on the form (Name, industry, and email address). After running a google Ad, I found that people were visiting the page but not converting. I reduced the number of form fields to decrease that potential barrier.

Target Audience: People unhappy with their current job looking to earn more. In the discovery phase of buyer journey.
Objective: Spark interest in the field and make the see it as a practical option.
Format: slidedeck/carousel
Why this format: simple, shareable, and visually appealing
This content could be used on social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) or as single images supporting blog posts/videos or as
part of an ad campaign.
part of an ad campaign.

Initially, I targeted these keywords and considered bid range and search volume when identifying keywords.
Once I ran the campaign, I altered these drastically to optimize the click through rate.

Another very important component of SEO is backlinks. How could we get others to link to us? I did some research and identified some blogs that might find our content and product useful. Pictured is how we could reach out to them and in order to build relationships and get links.

In this section, I went back to the landing page to optimize it for conversions. There were plenty of things that I could test, however in order to accurately test I had to focus on 1 change. I decided to focus on the copy on the page.
In order to confidently state which variant was more optimized, I would have needed hundreds of conversions. With limited time and budget, I only had 1 conversion. Thus, I did not have enough conversions to confidently state which variant was more successful.
Were I to continue testing I also use additional tactics to test, such as focus groups or surveys to get additional data to ensure that the page is fully optimized for conversions.
As a note: this was prior to simplifying form fields.

Budget: $100
Time Frame: 5 Days
Appeal: Free product that is a guide to a career path with large earning potential.
Observations: Initially, I got a lot of clicks that did not lead to conversions. Additionally, some of the searches that lead to these clicks were not relevant.
Adjustments: Further refining my keywords, negative keywords, and audience, as well as the copy on my landing page to increase quality score. I also ended up pausing one of my highest performing keywords, "highest paying jobs" due to a low quality score and irrelevant triggered searches.
Reflection: A lot of my budget was used the first day the ad was run, this left me with a more limited budget as I tried to optimize the ads. Some of my keywords, even though they served the audience's keywords did not lead to relevant clicks, this taught me that keywords needed to be more specific in order to lead to relevant clicks.
Click through rate for campaign = 2.38% (39 clicks/1,636 impressions)

Budget: $100
Time Frame: 5 Days
Audience: Men, ages 24-35, with some college background, and interests in arts, music, creativity, or technology living within 30 miles of Chicago.
Split Test: .Gif format vs. Infodeck carusel
Observations: I only had 77 link clicks, however there were 496 engagements. In terms of immediate conversions this may not be great, however it builds brand awareness and an audience.
Reflection: In terms of click through rate, the info deck ad was most successful. However, the .Gif had more engagement. With such a limited time and budget its difficult to definitively say which was overall more successful.

AdSet A - .Gif Ad

AdSet B - Infodeck style carousel Ad

Purpose: Remain top of mind now that the member of the audience is aware of the possibility of a career in UX Design and may be considering moving forward with the career path. Also, reinforcing the feasibility and prosperity in the field.